Declarant's Details
Employee ID/Serial #: 
Full Name: 
Role Title: 
Are you a Senior Executive (including TAA)?: 
Is this application with the Defence Reserve Service or an Emergency Services Organisation?: 
Contact Number: 
Employment Status: 
Employment Category: 
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I declare the following
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  I have read and understand my responsibilities under the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NSW government sector employees, including the obligation to declare all my private interests (financial, business, personal or other interests or relationships) known to me at the time of completing this form.  
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  I attest compliance with the requirements outlined in the Secondary Employment and Unpaid Work (SEUW) Policy & Procedure.  
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  I acknowledge that the information provided in this form is to assist in the appropriate visibility, oversight and management of my secondary employment/unpaid work.  
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  I understand that personal and health information collected, managed and disclosed on this form will comply with the requirements of the NSW Privacy Laws as outlined in the Department’s Privacy Management Plan.  
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  I give permission for DCJ to contact my SEUW employer identified below in relation to this application.  
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  I believe the SEUW for which I am seeking approval will not:
  interfere with my role within DCJ  
  be undertaken during my normal working hours  
  be varied without further application  
  exceed hours of work or work demands that may compromise work health and safety  
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  I acknowledge that my SEUW:
  will expire on 30 November each year, irrespective of when the last approval was granted  
  is conditional on the above undertakings continuing and I must reapply if these circumstances change  
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Supervisor's Details
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Supervisor's Name: 
Supervisor's Role Title: 
Supervisor's Email Address:   
Supervisor's Contact Number: 
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Application Type
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Application type: 

Type of work: 
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Application Details
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Work pattern: 
On average, how many hours break will there be between your role and commencing this work?
Does this work create any actual, potential or perceived
conflicts of interest with your work within the Stronger Communities cluster?
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Checklist to identify any adverse effects the SEUW may have on the public duties of the employee
To assist with a risk assessment the SEUW may have on the public duties of the employee, the following should be considered:
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